Sunday, February 10, 2013

Workout Tips

I may or may not be slightly addicted to Pinterest. Ok, so I'm ridiculously addicted to Pinterest. However, there are some really helpful and frugal tips on there! I have recently created a running board on there with lots of good quotes and ideas. One of my favorite pins on there is Workout Tips. The idea is that you take a jar (any that you happen to already have laying around collecting dust) and every time that you do a workout, you give yourself a dollar. You can set a goal for yourself ($100, end of a training plan, etc.) and when you reach your goal, you take the money and use it for something awesome! This is my jar: 

My goal is to save up until I complete my half marathon next month. I'm taking the next day off of work and plan on using my "tip jar" to treat myself to a massage :) I'm super excited about my massage and honestly it makes me feel really good to put a dollar in there after every workout! What are you going to use your "tips" for?