Thursday, January 16, 2014

Shamrock Spotlight

So thankful to Beachy Runner and Breath of Sunshine for featuring me as today's Shamrock Spotlight!! Make sure to click on the links and head over to both of their blogs and check it out!!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Ok, so I'm going to be honest here. I have a huge sweet tooth!! I rarely crave salty foods, but pretty much crave sweet things 100% of the time. It doesn't help that, especially in America, we have sweet foods sitting out there everywhere!! It's really hard for me to resist sometimes, but I have found that mt Team BeachBody Challenge Group has really helped me! It's a Facebook group and we are all trying to become healthier people. We have to check in everyday and let everybody know what we ate and what workout we did. With my new job it makes it way too easy to eat out everyday. That was getting really expensive and quite frankly, I've put on 15 pounds since I started! 

I follow a couple other runners on Instagram who had all been raving about Shakeology. I have tried weight watchers and slim fast in the past and I've had luck, but even with the WW meetings, I never really felt any connection to the people there or any support. Finally decided to try Shakeology and was very surprised with all that it came with. I ordered one bag to try it and got an email telling me that I now had a free membership to Team BeachBody and that my Coach would be contacting me. No monthly dues or anything, you just buy the product. She contacted me and added me to the challenge group where I have met some of the nicest people! They comment on everything that is post and have really been encouraging. It's really nice to know that I can post a pic of something I really wanted to eat, but resisted temptation and they will all cheer me on and give advice on healthy alternatives! I'm so thankful to all of them! 

This morning I went to 7-11 to get a coffee...walked right past the doughnuts and grabbed a banana. Still sweet, but not nearly as bad! What is your biggest temptation? What do you do to avoid it or eat in place of it? Sound off!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Return!

Well guys, it has been a crazy year. I'm going to be totally honest and tell you that I really didn't know what route I wanted to take with the blog, so I just sort of stopped. I think I have finally figured everything out, so I'm going to give it another go....

A Year in Review:
When we last spoke, I was training for my first half marathon. Proud to say I completed it and two others!!
Shamrock Half Marathon, Virginia Beach, Virginia

Rock n' Roll Half Marathon, Virginia Beach, Virginia

I've also finished a bunch of 5Ks, 10Ks, and a 10 Miler:

Surf-n-Santa 10 Miler, Virginia Beach, Virginia

And I am proud to say that I am officially training for my first full marathon! I will be doing the Shamrock Marathon on March 16, 2014 in Virginia Beach. While I am really nervous, I'm also ridiculously excited! I am sooo looking forward to being able to say that I am a "Marathon Runner". 

Also, over the past year I have become an Independent Coach for Team BeachBody and a running Ambassador for Fit2Run in Estero, Florida. I am so happy to be taking on these two awesome rolls to help other people with their fitness goals! I'll be doing frequent updates to the blog to let you know how my weight loss and marathon training goes! Can't wait for you to start on this journey with me!