Sunday, February 10, 2013

Workout Tips

I may or may not be slightly addicted to Pinterest. Ok, so I'm ridiculously addicted to Pinterest. However, there are some really helpful and frugal tips on there! I have recently created a running board on there with lots of good quotes and ideas. One of my favorite pins on there is Workout Tips. The idea is that you take a jar (any that you happen to already have laying around collecting dust) and every time that you do a workout, you give yourself a dollar. You can set a goal for yourself ($100, end of a training plan, etc.) and when you reach your goal, you take the money and use it for something awesome! This is my jar: 

My goal is to save up until I complete my half marathon next month. I'm taking the next day off of work and plan on using my "tip jar" to treat myself to a massage :) I'm super excited about my massage and honestly it makes me feel really good to put a dollar in there after every workout! What are you going to use your "tips" for?

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Gear Review: Mizuno Wave Enigma 2

 Mizuno Wave Enigma 2

When I finally decided to get my first pair or actual running shoes, I knew I wanted to go to a store that specializes in running shoes. I have ALWAYS had an issue with blisters on the back of my heel. When I made my trip to The Run Shoppe in Cape Coral, Florida I literally spent over an hour trying on different brands of shoes. I first tried a pair of Saucony's. Just walking in the store they were slipping on my heel. The employee showed me how to tie my laces in a heel lock. While that was helpful and did keep my heel from slipping, I was annoyed that I would have to do that every time I put them on. 

Next I put on a pair of Brooks. While they were immediately comfortable, again I had to heel lock my laces. I was beginning to think that it was just my foot and that I would have to do that no matter what shoe I bought. Then, I put on these...

I can honestly say that I wasn't sure how I felt about them when I put them on. The first thing I noticed was that they were VERY light. It really didn't feel like I even had shoes on. I put them on and started to walk around the store and INSTANTLY notice that I didn't have to heel lock the laces! They were the only pair that I tried on out of half of the store that I didn't have to heel lock. When I took them off to take a look, I noticed how tight the back of the shoes sits. Honestly, it was a small miracle for me! 

Heel of the shoe

I took a jog around the parking lot and fell in love. They literally felt like they were designed specifically for my foot! I bought them and took them for a one mile walk the very next day. They really didn't even feel like they needed to be broken in, they felt really good from day one. Two days later I wore them on a three mile run and you would think that I had been running in them for months.

I've now had the shoes for about three weeks and have put 65 miles on them. I have found that they have held up really good so far. Even at the end of a 10 mile run, my feet aren't sore. Overall, I'm extremely happy with the Mizuno Wave Enigma 2. They are the first pair of Mizuno's that I have owned, but I can see myself sticking with this brand in the future if they are all made this well!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Personal Record

One of the best things about doing a race of a distance you have never done, is that no matter how fast or slow you do it, it's always going to be a personal record!! My first 10K? Automatically a PR :)

Getting a personal record, or PR in the running world, is exciting no matter how many races you have done. I'm training for a half marathon, but I was still super excited that I got a PR at a 5K on Saturday!!

PR at the Naples Humane Society Run for the Paws

It's kind of like getting the prize at the bottom of the cereal box when you were a kid. You know it's sitting there in the bottom of the box, but you have to eat the majority of the cereal inside before you can get to it (if you had a Mom like mine that wouldn't let you dig into the cereal to get to it as soon as you opened the box). Your PR is the same way. You can visualize it and hope for it, but it's just plain gonna take time to get there. 

When I moved to Florida in June, just the change in humidity added almost a minute and a half per mile to my average pace. It has taken me 7 months to get back to where I was and on my way to getting a PR. It was a lot of work and some serious dedication to actually put on my running shoes after work and run 4 days a week. However, the feeling you get when you cross the finish line and see the best time you have ever seen on the clock, makes the last 7 months MORE than worth it! 

It doesn't happen overnight, but if you put in the effort the rewards will be great :)

Sunday, January 27, 2013

My Story

-My Running Story-

In August of 2011, my Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. Two days later I decided to sign up for the Tidewater Virginia Race for the Cure. At that point I was feeling pretty helpless about the whole situation and it was something I could personally do to help my Mom. I had never been a runner growing up and had just started to attempt jogging at the park earlier that summer. I did very little training but showed up that morning and was able to complete the 5K in 39:59 and raised over $800 by myself for Susan G. Komen. At that point I realized just how much fun a race could be!

Race for the Cure 2011

Following Race for the Cure I decided running was something that I wanted to try. For one thing, I knew I wanted to get healthy. Second, it's a lot cheaper than therapy! Honestly, I didn't really even know where to start, so I basically just started telling everyone I knew that I wanted to run. I started jogging at the park and searching Google for tips. At the end of November I finally found a running partner and it changed everything!

Getting a running partner is the best thing I have done for my running. I can rationalize pretty much anything and talk myself out of going running. Having a person waiting for you at the park that you know will show up at your front door if you decide to be a lazy bum is a very good motivator (which he totally did, by the way...)! Unfortunately, I was living in Virginia and in February I got pneumonia....but totally did the Polar Plunge 5K anyway!!

Polar Plunge 2012

After almost a month of trying to get over the pneumonia, I decided I wanted to attempt an 8K. The Shamrock Weekend in Virginia Beach is huge! They have a One Mile Race and an 8K on Saturday and a Half Marathon and Marathon on Sunday. The 8K and the Half Marathon both sell out at 10,000 people (and pretty much always sell out...). With only a month to train I was nervous, but just plain decided to go for it. I was able to finish the race and even felt good enough to drink some free beer after :)

Yuengling Shamrock 8K

In June I took a job offer and moved to Southwest Florida. I honestly had no idea how much that would kill the progress I had made! I literally had to start back at day one of running. I decided my next step would be a 10K. I signed up for the Wicked 10K in Virginia Beach and decided I needed to do a training program for this one. After a lot of research online, I decided to go with Hal Higdon's 10K Training Program and I was not disappointed  The program was really helpful! I was able to finish the 10K with a really good pace (for me) especially considering there was a hurricane sitting off of the coast of Virginia!

Blue Moon Wicked 10K Costume Race

Once I finished the 10K I knew the next step was a Half Marathon (which is no easy task). I again went to Hal Higdon, deciding to do his Novice 2 Training Program since I had already been doing quite a bit of running. So far, I have hit the 10 mile mark and again I'm really happy with the program. I was able to do 10 miles at the same pace that I was doing 3 mile runs just 8 weeks ago. 

With this blog, I hope to inspire beginning runners. I have 47 days until my very first Half Marathon and I could not be more excited. I would love to inspire just one person with this blog to gather up the courage to just get out there and do your first race! Stay tuned :)